Matrix Moments

Media Moments: Question, reflect, connect

A Change

How can I
See the new kingdom
See this change
That is needed,
Know God for real?
Standing at crossroads
I see my life stretching
down different highways, low-ways
All directions are somehow me
but only one
Seems fully real, 
fully life giving
fully me,
Yet shadows
still dance before my eyes.

Something needs to happen
in me, from me
first, before I take
the next step,
who will I serve
self, God, what others think,
money, humanity's poisons?
I'm Called to home
to repentance,
turning from owning my life
Giving my hopes and dreams
to Jesus,
To see God's glory by 
Being changed
from glory to glory,
losing the stuff
strangling my secret heart
That holds me back.


Standing at the cross,
Road to being saved,
just a step forward;
I've got to serve somebody,

Christ is the beginning.

Poem Tags
#spoken-word, #poetry #love, #god, #life, #faith, #glory, #road, #seeker, #crossroads, #change, #choice #standing, #decisions, #hope, #choices, #spoken-word

At the crossroads, are you ready for change? What direction?
Standing at the Crossroads seeking a Change
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