Matrix Moments

Media Moments: Question, reflect, connect

Story of Hope

The power
of the holy word,
designing the
creator's desires;
He spoke
and atoms responded,
cataclysmic purposes 
and the story of
God's heart birthed
a beyond universe,
sun stars, expanding galaxies
a perfectly spinning Earth
a people, families
a journey.

Time revolved...
Slices of 
God-human struggles, worship,
hopes, dreams, victories,
questions, thoughts, languages,
captured in memories,
recorded on stone, the first papyrus,
evolving into paper,
accounts of God
and His creation,
Reminders of how
God desired relationship
with his people,
wanted to write
love on hearts of stone.
Time’s story
pointed to four letters
and God's love was
rebirthed in the power
of His word,
the word was with
God, the word was God
And the word came to dwell
with us and walked Earth.

Transformation diaries, written
by those who lived with Jesus, 
ate, slept, argued, hoped, 
made mistakes, laughed, 
looked at each other
across the fire sparks caught 
in the Mediterranean air,
and wondered;
from those accounts 
God's desire for us emerged
in the Word - the Bible.

Oh the story!
We were separated from God
searching for answers
and the answer lived
Life on earth,

Jesus Christ the Word.

Celebrate God's Word.
The Word with Us - Jesus-Bible

God Moments - Time with a Friend

Soft dawn light
Shadows dappled green
Stirred slightly
in breeze's gentle touch,
sitting in car,
parked beside council pool
Six A.M. swim behind me,
Hearing from God,
Called a quiet time,
I've read bible verses
and thoughts from a stranger,
both have crossed the world
and time to me,
my head buzzes
with thoughts,
but when I look deep
into trees - their briefly
sunshine stirring maple leaves,
Watch mountain bikes
taking path's curve,
voices drift past me,
The white Toyota sauntering for a park:
I see and smile,
wind down the window,
Beyond the hum
of air conditioning,
Bird calls waken my spirit,
The Life around
in cars, pools, over the fence in houses
is amazing,
God’s story
fills and quiets my soul,
And I smile with God,
tuned to Him.

Unknown the day,
Known is my Lord.

Excited and secure
I start the engine.

1 Chronicles 28:9 NIV
“...acknowledge the God of your father, and serve him with wholehearted devotion and with a willing mind, for the Lord searches every heart and understands every desire and every thought. If you seek him, he will be found by you…"

Hear Christmas

Snow falls
Sounds of silence whisper of
white grace
Cleansing complete,
Stop to the stillness,
listen to the Christ massed voice,
Hushed within
a soft sense of Serene, alone.

undisturbed by thought,
Listen to the Silence in your mind
Hear Christmas.

Sunshine falls
Loves warm Light
Wrapping your hearts pulse.
Holding your hope
Infusing joy.

undisturbed by thought, listen to the Silence in your heart,
~the still small voice.
Hear Christmas.

Stars night shine,
Galaxies remote and vast
reflected in your eyes,
Seeing distance
Feeling closeness of creation.
undisturbed by thought, listen to the silence in your heart,
The rhythm of sustaining life
Hear Christmas.

Starting Thoughts: Christmas Video and Media. What do you hear at Christmas?
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