Matrix Moments

Media Moments: Question, reflect, connect

Newborn Perfection

We thought death desires
Soon shadows
Sin shapes,
Dungeons of
self torture
failure and fright,
striving self improvement 
selling regimes and religion
to get ahead
and we struggle
Eyes dulled
Eyes only seeing
the world through the pain,
Through the hate 
Through the hurt
Through the have to have
slaves to old nature.

But God
sees us,
Deeply lives
love into us,
Deeply dies 
love into us,
For your value
is the price of Jesus,
death to old self
Dead to the old
and we Die with
the heavenly one,
the Son of God
lamb of God 
Righteous Giver
grace powers.

Old ways are buried
and we live anew
risen from death's sting 
no condemnation
No hate
Given a righteous life
We are beautiful brides
made perfect
Perfection in Him
Deep roots
Enduring foundations
Pure identity in God
Living from a new peace
abundance of life
Born of God.

Oh we struggle in mind 
in body
but the real you is spirit
on a journey with the Saviour.

Poem Tags
#christian, #bornagain, #cross, #death, #grace, #identity, #jesus, #journey, #lamb, #pain, #poems, #poetry, #righteousness, #saviour, #self, #selfworth, #sin, #spokenword
A paradox, seeds die - life grows, we die to self to be fully released from slavery to self.
Being born again, God frees us from ourselves


A lone siren 
split the sky 
in jagged cracks
that crazed around 
another life 
what is it about
that wail
in the background?
A sneaky relief
it isn’t me,
followed by 
tiny guilt,
a quick heart prayer
for victim, family, friends,
Mortality intrusion
pinpricking my accidental life.

the paintbrush slips
smearing the canvas,
one colourful part covered,
when dried,
when died
that section
will be painted over,
new life
hiding old.

Poem Tags
#christian, #death, #emergency, #life, #mortality, #painted, #poem, #poetry, #reallife, #seeker, #spokenword
Does the emergency siren in the distance intrude on your life... remind you of mortality?
Hear the siren, what do you think? Spoken Word Poetry about life.


under the microscope
conceptions birth start
a spark of light emitted
the moment sperm meets egg.

Tiny glimmer with
incredible potential,
life and love
For each spirit flame
is unique.

But great fear crowds in,
subtle winds at first
Stuttering the flame,
Then shutters violently close
Compressing fears' darkness,
consuming creativity
Why you ask?
Who am I? echoes,
Breaking you piece by piece
so the gaps fall
tearing your being.

And then
in the mist midst
of crushing darkness,
a note sings
Pure clean,
Tremulous life giving,
feel the touch,
brushing your ears and mind,
Come to the one
who said, "Let there be light "
Let Him blow on the embers
The pain, the fear, the risk, the death
Let Him
Reveal the Light
Infused emanating from
His desire to love you
The One who created
that first spark.

breathe again
hear your voice
Desiring His love
speaking out your love,
You have the spark,
the power
for change
to change,
switching the destiny
of your walk.
Leading your path,
Captured and captivated
in His glory.

"Oh Brilliant
bright spark,
radiant neurons,
rise and shine
you are the light
of my eyes,
My bride

Poem Tags
#bride, #change, #christian, #destiny, #jesus, #light, #love, #poem, #poetry, #spark, #spokenword, #unique, #worship
Does the emergency siren in the distance intrude on your life... remind you of mortality?
Christian Spoken Word Poem on the Light of the World.
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