Matrix Moments

Media Moments: Question, reflect, connect

Starting Over

I wear a habit
Or is it the habit
that wearies me?
like our world
that whirlwinds
revolving histories
of war, prejudice, greed,
increasing rootless change
lost and moving values,
the same stealth spiraling
tunnels disintegrate my life,
mind tears,
Contained at first within me
Pieces of my soul
torn again,
floating on self sabotage,
habits creeping wreckage
Doubt, lack of something,
Fear and flight
take pains deeper.

Then despite my careful facade
trying to hide the turmoil,
The clawing winds
Escape through
My body, eyes, mouth
Starting destruction
around me,
In people and places I move
Driving deeper
turmoil, addictions within me
All for self
never good enough
but self important
choosing a world of
Wild Tornadoes.
I ask what do I value?
How can I change?
Do I want to change?

Replacing the old for the new
Knowing I'm not alone;
I go after Him.
I kneel before the Father
Centered on Christ
Looking into His heart
Being with, abiding in Jesus,
I ask for His love
of endless depth to flow
rivers of cleansing life
to heart and soul,
becoming rooted
and established
in amazing love,
new foundations of openness
in God and others,
New depths of prayer,
real infused living,
I stand stronger
immersed in power of
divine spirit and mind,
I share my thoughts, desires
I pray for grace, boldness
I step
into the character
I want to own,
To honour God, others, myself
Sooner than ever before.

Bible Verse:1 Peter 5:10

The whirlwinds that devastate our lives? Are they worth it?
Poem Tags
#action, #addictions, #cage, #change, #christian, #destruction, #facades, #fear, #god, #habits, #identity, #intimacy, #kneel, #momentsintime, #poem, #poetry, #promises, #published, #quiettime, #spokenword, #stillness, #time
Starting Over Christian Spoken Word POem



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