Matrix Moments

Media Moments: Question, reflect, connect

Hear Christmas

Snow falls
Sounds of silence whisper of
white grace
Cleansing complete,
Stop to the stillness,
listen to the Christ massed voice,
Hushed within
a soft sense of Serene, alone.

undisturbed by thought,
Listen to the Silence in your mind
Hear Christmas.

Sunshine falls
Loves warm Light
Wrapping your hearts pulse.
Holding your hope
Infusing joy.

undisturbed by thought, listen to the Silence in your heart,
~the still small voice.
Hear Christmas.

Stars night shine,
Galaxies remote and vast
reflected in your eyes,
Seeing distance
Feeling closeness of creation.
undisturbed by thought, listen to the silence in your heart,
The rhythm of sustaining life
Hear Christmas.

Starting Thoughts: Christmas Video and Media. What do you hear at Christmas?



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