Matrix Moments

Media Moments: Question, reflect, connect


Behind the brick walls
lured to the shadows
living in the greyness
looking in the questions
wondering am I just taking space
searching in the choices.
Before the walls
Before the pain
Before the cheapening of your life
Before your ideas about yourself
Before "I’m a good person"
Before knowing there is more,
love existed
because God is,
The Creator’s love.

And now, this moment, 
know You were made 
for a reason,
to experience 
a voice
a call
deep into your heart
into your life
into the depths of your soul
into your dreams.

A call from Love
beyond human plays
beyond human songs
beyond words and relationships 
beyond betrayals and boredom
beyond success and failure.

Not a cold call
a prank call
a spam call
a blocked call
a Facebook invite.

Warm it comes
from a God who created
in love,
gave His life in love,
wants to know you
wants to show you
wants to birth
in you new purpose.

You are worth dying for
because Jesus did,
You are His loving,
You are who He wants,
You are who He
will celebrate,
You are who He
is crazy in love with,
You are who Heaven
will sing about.

For you were made 
for relationship with God
anytime, anywhere, anyplace,
Christ died and rose for you.

This Love waiting, heart seeking
not because of what you have done
not because of what you haven’t 
Before the world knew you
He saw you,
He desires to be closer 
than your next breath,
To love freedom
into your life,
Dawning, birthing
a new future purpose.

Walk this new journey
Walk into newness of life
Walk into relationship
Walk into love
beginning with the real,
knowing who you are in Jesus,
living from this 
resurrected Jesus love
Walk into who
you are created to be.
Live love!

Beginning - if God was crazy in love with you would he do anything to bring you to His heart?
Beginning God



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